April 11th - 1:00pm PST.

VIP Type Tour of the Letterform Archive

You’re invited to an exclusive and curated tour of the Letterform Archive in San Francisco, a collection of over 100,000 items related to lettering, typography, calligraphy, and graphic design, spanning thousands of years of history. 

Here’s what we have in store for the day: 

  • Curated Collections of Typography: Explore some of the most impressive and historically significant typography collections in the world. It’s a rare chance to immerse yourself in the beauty and diversity of letterforms and get inspired.  

  • Masterclass on Enterprise Typography Challenges: A chance to discuss key trends and challenges you are facing with peers, chaired by our in-house type guru and Senior Executive Creative Director, Charles Nix. 

  • Happy Hour: An opportunity to network and unwind with a drink or two after the tour. 

We believe this event will not only be informative but also a lot of fun! It’s a chance to deepen your understanding of typography and network with peers in the industry. 

Register today!